The Port Dalhousie Conservancy

Committed to the Preservation and Enhancement of Port Dalhousie's Cultural, Natural and Built Heritage

The News Stand
April 27, 2020
Massive Exoskeletons Hold Up History
Among the first steps in preserving the heritage properties is enveloping the buildings or their facades with a sturdy structure so they don’t topple or collapse into the construction pit. Read more here:

October 8, 2019
St. Catharines Council Denies CIP Tax Incentives to Luxury Condo
The Community Improvement Program was denied because the majority of councillors felt the funds could be put to better use rather than subsidizing luxury condos. There has been some controversy around the awarding of grants through this program. Read more here:

March 22, 2019
City of St. Catharines CIP (Community Improvement Plan) Under Fire
The CIP offers four municipal financial incentive programs to the private sector to stimulate new investment in community renewal. The financial incentive programs are intended to offset a portion of costs incurred by property owners in undertaking redevelopment projects, brownfield remediation projects, facade improvement projects, and residential/office conversion projects. There has been some controversy around the awarding of grants through this program. Read about it here:
April 4, 2019
Historic Rodman Hall Under Threat?
Rodman Hall, one of the prime architectural heritage buildings in Niagara could be sold by Brock University. In 2003 a community group transferred Rodman Hall and its art collection to the university for $2, with the agreement that they could not sell it for 20 years. But that could all change. More info here:

April 8, 2019
Rapacious Development is Erasing Toronto’s History
"This isn’t about pining for a distance past. Cities change over the decades, adapt, continue to thrive. But we’re bludgeoning our collective history." More info here:
(David Cooper / Toronto Star file photo)
April 15, 2019
City Needs Your Input on Tree Bylaw
The City of St Catharines is holding three public meetings to get input on a proposed tree bylaw that would protect trees on private property. Many cities in Ontario have instituted such bylaws and St Catharines is in need of one. More info here:
June 15, 2019
Giving the Wealthy a Better View
New York City's skyline is changing dramatically. There is a similar concern here in Port Dalhousie, albeit on a much smaller scale. Read the article here:
May 2, 2019
City Council Approves Controversial Condo Development
The City of St Catharines gave the go ahead for the six-story condo despite a 600 signature petition and a 2-1/2 hour meeting. More info here:
October 1st, 2019
DFO Says Piers High Enough
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans notified the St Catharines City Council that the new piers configuration is high enough. The engineers have designed it for both future high and low water levels: